As previously reported, the challengers* to the ZERO TURNOVER NHCRWA Board of Directors issued a press release calling for a Moratorium on Increasing Water Fees. This has been extremely well-received, and hence the idea has been opened up to the public in the form of a Petition.
If you agree that the current board’s votes over the past 20 YEARS to raise fees over 2000% are out of control, you may add your name to the Petition for a Moratorium on NHCRWA Water Bill Fee Hikes HERE. Please do so and share with your friend, neighbors, fellow precinct chairs, and entire neighborhoods!
It’s time to say NO to skyrocketing water fee hikes. It is time for fresh perspectives on the stale board that has driven the NHCRWA deeply into debt and is planning more!
Challenging the current NHCRWA board members are:
David Barker, challenger candidate for NHCRWA Director District 2
Melissa Rowell, challenger candidate for NHCRWA Director District 3
Mark Ramsey, challenger candidate for NHCRWA Director District 4
Roy Burroughs, challenger candidate for NHCRWA Director District 5
My last water bill was over $3000 because of a sprinkler leak. The NHCRWA fee was over $2800.
I need you guys to win and help me w/ this.
Wholeheartedly agree! This stupid fee is more than water and sewer combined! Texas needs to do away with NHCRWA and MUD districts also…they are ripping off us citizens!
Eldely mother in laws water bill was over $500 in July, no evidence of a leak anywhere and bill returned back to the normal $32 rate each month since July. Water company says the meter doesn’t lie, 80K gallons of water passed her meter. 80K. A month’s water would have to pass the meter each day for a month to reach 80K. Disputed the extra fees were not reduced. Ridiculous and yes I am voting for a change.